The Science Festival Team is proud to be working with local Primary and Secondary Schools to support teaching staff and engage students by staging STEM related events.
As well as conventional talks we aim to deliver hands-on workshops, which the students and schools prefer, to raise understanding of STEM career opportunities and encourage students to consider continuing to choose STEM subjects. The nature of the workshops is to be enjoyable and educational. The festival team either deliver these activities directly or seek funding to secure professional presenters. Please contact us if you can support this work in any capacity.
These events take place throughout the year including STEM weeks at local schools. They include:
- 2.Times Do workshops
- Jet Car Races
- Statistics talk: Prof Challenor, University of Exeter
- Bug Hunting and Kick Sampling: EDDC Countryside Wardens
- Yumbug cooking with Insects: Dr Heather Gibbard
- Genetics Talk: Dr Gail Born, University of Bristol
- Chemistry talk: A Pollutant’s Tale: Dr Tim Harrison, University of Bris- tol
- Neuroscience workshop: Dr Leigh Wilson, King’s College, London
- Colin White : Projectiles Computer Workshop
- Science Magic: Matt Pritchard