We’ve joined in with Sidmouth’s new festival of flags and designed a flag to represent Sidmouth Science Festival which is now flying high on Fore Street. Using our strong brand colours of orange and black we used silhouette shapes of five images often featuring in the festival: robot, magnifier, dinosaur, flask and cogs. We hope you like it!
Thirty two colourful flags have been created by local community groups and are on display through the town centre. We were asked to think about how our groups could be represented visually, without words, to create a connected art installation. Look out for flags designed by our friends and partners Norman Lockyer Observatory and the Sid Valley Biodiversity Group. The festival has been led by Sidmouth School of Art in partnership with Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub and continues into September. For images of all the flags visit https://sidmouthart.org/projects/smart-projects/sidmouth-festival-of-flags