Dr Des Howlett asks Are we alone: What are the chances that there is anybody out there?
Des says “I will first look at the size of the universe, the billions of galaxies and how it’s inconceivable that we are unique in such a vast space. I’ll then talk about the practicalities of how we could potentially meet and the implications that would have for us, and for them. At one point, we have to consider having dimensions in space that we just cannot see. Perhaps we are little more than a simple life form that cannot fully experience the universe around us.”
By day, Dr Des Howlett is a Professional Engineer who runs training courses in electronic design and computer programming. Outside work, he is a Director of the Norman Lockyer Observatory and enjoys spending hours just looking at the patterns in the stars and planets. He was interested in spaceflight from a very young age, with his heart set on walking on the Moon, but was unfortunately too late to join the Apollo programme, and too old to be part of Artemis. For him, looking at the heavens is the next best thing.
This event will be live at the Cellar Bar at Kennaway House, Coburg Road EX10 8NG. You will be expected to pay £2.50 entrance which includes a hot drink. Please come prepared.
Everyone welcome. No experience necessary, just curiosity.