Cafe Scientifique: Ice Age Hot Spots in the South West

Tuesday 21st January 2025 3:00PM – 4:30PM
Location/Venue: Cellar Bar, Kennaway House, Sidmouth EX10 8NG

The next Cafe Scientifique will take place on Tuesday 21st January at 3.00pm

Mike Pincock will talk about Ice Age “Hot Spots” in the South West.

Mike will set the scene by describing how and why the last ice age developed and then talk about the after effects of glaciation in the south west by discussing glacial features around the region – the Ice Age “Hot Spots”!

Mike Pincock BSc MSc DIC is a retired Petroleum Engineer. He studied Geophysics at Exeter University and joined a seismic exploration company for a few years – a logical next step! He decided that it was not for him and returned to University to study Petroleum Engineering at Imperial College. He then spent his career as a Petroleum Engineer in the Oil and Gas Industry before retiring and moving to Sidmouth. However, he never lost his love of Geology and continued this interest in retirement by organising the Geology day for the Annual Sidmouth Science Festival and joining the local U3A Geology Group.

This event will be live at the Cellar Bar at Kennaway House, Coburg Road EX10 8NG. You will be expected to pay £2.50 entrance which includes a hot drink. Please come prepared.