Trees for Multiple Benefits with Bob Chard, Member of the Royal Forestry Society
So now it is accepted as true. Climate change is for real and a very urgent emergency problem. The Government is going into panic mode about what to do. We have to give them some credit for their vision. UK is the first nation in the world to adopt necessary climate action targets which are both adequate and credible. Also in some respects including forestry policy the UK Government is quite well prepared for fast acceleration in new directions. We will commit to a very large increase in tree planting targets to double the woodland area. However achieving tree planting number targets is the easy part; what is of more concern to me is the more difficult part. Will we plant the right trees and will they be planted in the right places? Will public money be spent wisely and will it be managed in the best possible way? To be sure many people in all walks of life will want to be part of the action but in the past we have made mistakes with forestry policy and we need to learn from that and not simply throw money at achieving targets. I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you and suggest some trees which we can all plant and nurture, as well as my own project which is designed to grow unusual trees as substitutes for current unsustainable imports of tropical hardwood timbers; much of which is being illegally felled, is uncertified and imported from the other side of the planet with a large carbon footprint, at ever increasing cost. We have to do better.
Everyone welcome. This is a free event so please buy a drink to keep it so.
Part of Sidmouth Tree Week: