Café Scientifique:Why is Lanzarote’s geothermal energy not exploited?

Tuesday 18th February 2025 3:00PM – 4:30PM
Location/Venue: Cellar Bar, Kennaway House, Sidmouth EX10 8NG

Why is Lanzarote’s geothermal energy not exploited? A talk by Dr Roger Trend

Lanzarote has one of the most accessible sources of geothermal energy in the world. It’s a shallow Hot Dry Rock field, established by the massive volcanic outpourings of 1730-36. However, it’s not used for electricity generation. Why not? I’ll first set the geological scene and then look at some super research currently being carried out at this famous locality. There are some similarities with the 1980’s Cornwall HDR Project and the current United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project, but the differences are much more interesting ……..

After teaching geography, geology and science in UK state schools for 20 years, Roger spent the next 20 years in university education departments, specialising in Earth Science Education. This included a stint as Head of Teacher Training at Exeter University and as Fellow of St Anne’s College Oxford. His research included teacher collaboration, perceptions of Deep Time, student motivation and interest. He was editor of the journal “Teaching Earth Sciences” and has written and edited numerous articles, chapters and books. His recent book “The Island of Volcanoes” has editions in English, Spanish and French and he continues to enjoy being consultant on children’s books with Usborne Publishing: he’s done about 50.

Everyone welcome. This event is live in the Cellar Bar at Kennaway House, Sidmouth. Entry £2.50 to include a hot drink