Can a good scientist believe in God?

Monday 7th October 2024 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Location/Venue: All Saints Church, All Saints Rd, Sidmouth EX10 8ES

Can a good scientist believe in God? Is faith important in our modern age? Talk by Matt & Davinder Gardner.

Join our interactive, family-friendly session as we discuss these questions together in a safe space. We’re going to be getting stuck into some hands-on science together, examine how far it has come in explaining the world around us and how we can apply it in healthcare.

Will science one day explain everything and leave no room for faith? Can anyone have room for both?

Davinder Gardner studied physics at Leicester University and currently works as a healthcare scientist at an NHS hospital in the West Midlands. She performs equipment testing, designs radiotherapy treatments for cancer patients alongside training junior scientists and helping to bring in new treatments and technologies.

Matthew Gardner studied physics at the University of Warwick and completed an MSc in medical physics at Swansea University. Next, he trained to become a healthcare scientist working for the NHS. He currently works as a healthcare scientist and training co-ordinator in a large West Midlands hospital.