It is estimated 30% of the English coastline is eroding, with nearly 50% of its length lined with coastal defence works including seawalls, groynes and managed beaches needing constant maintenance.
The rate of coastal erosion is predicted to increase and by the end of the 21st Century, ‘the number of properties at risk from coastal erosion is projected to increase by almost 15 times relative to the present day’ (Committee on Climate Change ‘Managing the coast in a changing climate’ 2018). The coastal communities of Devon and Cornwall are at the forefront of this coastal risk and change. Although these communities are often small, the solutions to manage coastal erosion risk and impacts are often significant and complex. Where traditional solutions are difficult to justify, adaptation also needs to be considered as part of long term sustainable management.
This presentation looks at local issues in the context of wider coastal erosion risk and adaptation.
Martin is a Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Advisor covering the Devon coast. He has nearly 25 years’ experience within the EA working as Area Client on FCERM studies, strategies and schemes including Dawlish Warren Beach Management and Starcross and Cockwood Tidal Defence Schemes. He also supports Local Authorities in developing their coastal management projects. Prior to joining the EA Martin worked in some nice and not-so-nice parts of the world as an engineering and hydrographic surveyor on onshore and offshore oil exploration and construction projects.

In conjunction with the Sid Vale Association