Short talks throughout the day!
11.15 – 11.45 Mike Green, Jurassic Coast Ambassador – Influence of the Milankovitch Cycles on the Earth’s climate. An exploration of how the collective cyclical movements of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun might effect changes in climate over thousands of years.
12.00 – 12.30 Prof Malcolm Hart, Emeritus Professor of Micropalentology, University of Plymouth. – Plankton, climate and life on earth. How the plankton in the ocean have changed the planet through time. (On behalf of the Devonshire Association Geology Group and the Ussher Society).
13.30 – 14.00 Kieran Satchell, Paleontologist and Jurassic Coast Ambassador. – Dinosaur reserach on Allosaurus. A presentation of highlights from a current research paper on morphological variation in the dinosaur Allosaurus.
14.15 – 14.45 Colin Kilvington, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. – Discovering Britain’s walks “Tors and Tin’. How a 4½ mile, self-guided walk through the Vitifer and Golden Dagger mining area of Dartmoor can be used to interpret a landscape with a strong tin working legacy. The route embraces some of the finest evidence of the moor’s 800 year tin mining past extending from the medieval period to the early 20th century, including streamworks, massive gullies, adits, leats, building remains, buddles and wheelpits.
15.00 – 15.30 Vincent Sheppard, Geo-scientist & Jurassic Coast Ambassador – The rocks beneath our feet. Imaging the subsurface in 3D. A review of seismic imaging of the subsurface using geophysical acoustic techniques, turning time into depth. A brief summary of borehole technology for lithology identification and correlation.
The talks are free.