Hands-on fun and hair-raising demonstrations – you will be amazed!
In various rooms in the house we will host events run by –
Cellar Bar:
- Colyton Grammar School
- Petroc College
- Wonder Workshops
Blue Room (upstairs):
- Wonder Workshops
- Exeter Science Centre
- Colin White’s Sporting balls
Yellow Room (upstairs):
- Metamaterials
- College of Science, Engineering and Maths
Captain Phillips Room:
- Met Office
Amyatt Room:
- Institute of Physics – Amyatt 1
- Astrophysics – Amyatt 2
Hatton Room: School Art and University Research photography
Outside, we will se how the very first cameras produced an image – Pinhole Camera (weather permitting).
Sid Valley Radio will be broadcasting live from the Foyer.
Free. Please keep an eye on the website for any updates.