Interstellar tours with Brian Clegg – A guide to the universe from your starship window

Sunday 15th October 2023 1:30PM – 1:30PM
Location/Venue: Norman Lockyer Observatory EX10 0NY

With author Brian Clegg as your deep space guide, step on board the starship Endurance and marvel at the fascinating sights of deepest, darkest space.

Although our vessel is fictional, we take a look at why getting to the stars is so difficult, how the ship would create gravity, and drop off in passing with our best interstellar probes to date. 

Brian has degrees in natural sciences from Cambridge and operational research from Lancaster. He worked at British Airways before setting up on his own, giving creativity consultancy to large companies and writing books. He is now a full-time writer with over 40 popular science titles published. He has written widely for newspapers and magazines, appeared on the BBC and edits toe book review site.