We have provided links below to summaries of Science Festival talks and other online science events from around the country. We hope you find them useful and enjoyable.
1. A series of lectures by astrobiologist Prof. Charles Cockell: Life in the Universe Pandemic Series – Short fireside lectures of interest for the isolated: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBTwJSnAqZZczK7stBaYq5w
2. The recording of Peter Burgess`s talk which was excellent (part of the Sidmouth Arboretum’s Tree Week): https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/__xIEaHZq35OXoXg4UD6BpQoQavMeaa81iIZ__EKmh178jjOicRJ5dvPNPrAfj6L Password: 3o%W^20%
3. Tim talk space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRttA7QbdUw&feature=youtu.be