Rescheduled Talk by Nigel Dutt about Building and Living in a Passivhaus
We recently built our ‘Grand Design’ in East Devon and have just completed a year living in it. It is a certified Passivhaus and it has proved to be energy positive, having produced 40% more power than it consumed, as well as being carbon negative and costing nothing to run. I will talk about Passivhaus principles and the design and building approach for our house, as well as the installed technology that enabled us to achieve these results. I will then look at how it actually performed throughout the first year.
Nigel was due to give this talk at an earlier Cafe Scientifique in March which had to be cancelled. He has kindly offered to give his talk via Zoom online. If you are not on the Cafe Scientifique mailing list and would like to access this talk then please email [email protected]
If you would like to give a talk then also please email [email protected]