Space Detectives will run three sessions – “Blast-Off”, “In the Night Sky” and “Our Place in Space will be run as “ad hoc” sessions. Each workshop running in parallel on demand.
BLAST OFF – Investigate the simple science of a rocket and then build and launch one of your own!
IN THE NIGHT SKY – Ever looked up and wondered all about the stars? In this workshop, we investigate star constellations, discovering the myths and legends surrounding them. We then use sweets to make up our own edible versions.
And how about becoming a “Space Detective’s Dark Sky Ranger?” In this session we remind ourselves just how important dark skies are to us by making ourselves a cool reminder to switch off those lights!
OUR PLACE IN SPACE – Journey around the Solar System and discover the size and distances of planets within our own neighbourhood. By using our pre-made Solar System kits, we then make our own scaled models to take home.
There will be a midday (1:00pm – 1:30pm) and an afternoon (2:45pm – 3:15pm) session when the rocket producers can launch their rockets.